Hobbies & Interests


& Interests

In my spare time I love going for long walks, I like swimming in lakes, rivers and I love a big muddy puddle for a good old wallow (I don’t do it on pawpose, I just can’t resist it 😉. I don’t like the bath when we get home quite so much though!).

I also like sitting on the back of the sofa watching out of the window everything that happens. My mum says I’m the best neighbourhood watch they have ever had! I really like snuggling up on the sofa for snoozes and belly rubs.

In the summer I like zooming around on the beach and jumping waves.

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I Love

Sharing Secrets

With my Grandpaw. He is a great listener and he shares his secrets of how he was such a super stud with me!



I love music

I am a very musical hound! I often sing a long to 'The Bear Necessities'.

You can find me playing my guitar and singing with my mum on YouTube!. If you want to see/hear me...

Get In Touch

On Guard!

Looking out

I'm a big fan of Neighbourhood Watch. I spend a lot of my time looking out of windows and telling off people who come close to my house!

About Me

Love Letters to my Grandpaw

If you want any more information: